فلم “عروس الجليل” قريبا

في هذه الايام توضع اخر اللمسات على الفلم “عروس الجليل”. يتناول الفلم قصة بلدتنا ترشيحا عبر قصة فاطمة هواري الشخصية التي عاشت قصف البلدة صباح 28.10.1948, وبقيت مقعدة منذ ذلك القصف. سيعرض الفلم لأول مرة في مهرجان الأفلام العالمي في حيفا في شهر تشرين اول (أكتوبر) القادم. الفلم من اخراج باسل طنوس


A film called the “Bride of Galilee” has enterd final production stage.  It is based on teh story of Fatima Al-Howari.  The movie is directed by Basil Tanous and will play first in the International Movie Festivle in Haifa in October.

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Nahi said,

    WOW… That is AMAZING… I would like to get a copy of this movie…
    Thanks for the info…

  2. 2

    batoul chanati said,

    this is very beautiful that we and other people will know more things about my country TARSHIHA by showing this film and i hope that the film makes TARSHIHA more famous than past . maybe we will see our country before we die
    finally i want to thank the director:Basel Tannous about this film .

  3. 3

    Thanks for information.
    many interesting things

  4. 4

    Anonymous said,

    where can i find this movie ?

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